How to use competency frameworks for business success
Competency frameworks effectively define the skills, behaviors, and soft skills an employee needs to succeed in a specific role and the organization. These frameworks are some tools your HR can use for people-driven performance management, hiring, and team building. But, with their focus on capabilities, they’re also one of the most important. Competency is the sum of skills, knowledge, abilities, attributes, experience, personality traits, and motivators. Once your organization maps the competencies a position needs, [...]
The essentials of sales recruitment
Whether you’re a small retailer or the world’s largest technology company, you need a great sales team to succeed. Recruitment is a significant part of that process, as you need the right people in place to ensure smooth, successful operations. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of sales recruitment, from an overview of the process, to hiring tips, in-demand skills, and retention strategies. The sales recruitment process Different sales positions call for different employee [...]