Today’s business environments evolve at a rapid pace. Employee training, meanwhile, is the core foundation that equips your organization to succeed in such dynamic landscapes.

By investing in it, you arm workers with the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively. However, fostering well-rounded individuals and maintaining your competitive edge requires a deeper approach.

This is where holistic employee training programs come into play, as they’re designed to develop the total person.

To help you grasp their intricacies, we’ll walk you through what they are and how we conduct them.

What is a holistic employee training program?

To start, a holistic employee training program goes beyond traditional, skill-focused training. It embraces a whole-person approach that doesn’t only develop one’s technical capabilities, but also their values, attitudes, and behaviors.

Profiles Asia Pacific, for instance, builds each program on a competency-based model that combines applied workshops, social engagement activities, and formal classroom settings, as it allows organizations to tailor their employee development to their specific needs.

We tackle various aspects as well, such as:

  • Leadership development
  • Emotional intelligence training
  • Human resource management
  • And more

This angle on professional and personal development is designed to hone multiple dimensions and ensure proficient, engaged, and motivated personnel that can handle their roles and their organization’s complex demands.

Importance and purpose of employee training

To better understand the advantages of a holistic approach, let’s first tackle training in the general context. Basically, it’s vital to organizational success because of the purposes it serves:

Skill enhancement

Primarily, training helps your personnel acquire new skills and improve existing ones, ensuring that they can perform their duties successfully.

Adaptability and resilience

Today’s industries are prone to change. However, well-trained employees are prepared for such shifts, as they’re better equipped with professional and emotional capabilities that not only let them navigate business complexities, but also the stress that comes along with them.

Compliance and safety

Each industry has unique regulations and safety protocols. Proper training, meanwhile, not only ensures that employees understand them, but also guarantees your company will be compliant and avoid any legal issues.

Employee engagement and retention

Employees want to know that they have bright futures, and investing in their training shows that your organization values their development.

At the same time, those who appreciate this aspect are more likely to be engaged and committed, with 94% of them saying they’d stay at a company longer if it displayed its dedication to helping them learn.

Productivity and profitability

Developing and improving a broad set of skills and competencies greatly improves employee efficiency, allowing individuals to meet or exceed expectations with less resources.

Even the engagement boost that training provides can translate into better organizational performance, with a Gallup study indicating how work units in the top quartile outdo those in the bottom by 21% in productivity and 22% in profitability.

Succession planning

Training programs don’t just enhance technical capabilities, but also leadership skills. This helps with succession planning, as they prepare employees for greater responsibilities and advancement within the organization.

Such an aspect leaves you with a deep talent pool as well, ensuring smooth transitions in responsibility and power within your company.

Benefits of holistic employee training programs

The holistic employee training we provide, meanwhile, offers two key advantages that a typical program doesn’t:

Total professional and personal development

Profiles Asia Pacific follows a competency-based approach to ensure personnel not only enhance their technical skills, but their principles and workplace conduct as well.

It also cultivates a culture of growth, as it promotes collaboration, empathy, and respect among participants. To effectively implement this, we follow the 70-20-10 rule which describes the optimal sources of learning by successful managers:

70% Experiential learning

Majority of learning happens through hands-on experience. Our holistic training programs offer such opportunities, as they include workshops that teach trainees how a specific skill or competency is applied in the workplace.

Through practical exercises that mimic real-world scenarios, they also get to practice what they learned. This reinforces new knowledge and allows participants to demonstrate and refine their competencies in a supportive environment.

20% Engagement activities

An exchange of thoughts and perspectives maximizes learning, as 20% of it takes place socially, whether it be among participants, colleagues, or friends.

Due to this consideration, interactive elements like discussions, mentoring, and peer discourse play a critical role in our holistic training.

Such activities facilitate the swapping of ideas, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. They encourage collaboration as well—a key workplace element that aids in the development of hard and soft skills.

10% Formal classroom learning

The remaining 10% of learning occurs via formal training experiences. This is why traditional instruction, whether through in-person classes or self-paced online courses, remains a valuable component of our holistics programs.

We incorporate structured lectures that employees can revisit at their own pace via a Learning Management System (LMS), ensuring they can gradually grow their expertise over time.

Tailored training

Holistic programs must be flexible—meaning they’re responsive to not only unique individual employee needs, but also an organization’s broader objectives.

By aligning training with company goals and personal development plans, we ensure that our programs provide maximum benefit, resulting in improved performance, job satisfaction, and employee retention.

Types of training solutions we provide

Our holistic approach aims to maximize workforce enablement, so we customize and facilitate programs for organizations whose employees need specific skill enhancements. To do this, we employ a healthy mix of the following in-house training initiatives:

Leadership development

Our leadership training focuses on critical skills such as strategic thinking, communication, decision-making, and management. These are designed to cultivate individuals who drive organizational success and inspire their teams, especially in today’s workplace contexts.

  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Communication for Leadership Excellence
  • The ABCs of Supervising Others
  • Motivating Your Workforce
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • Leadership: Creating an Alignment of Strengths Toward Employee Engagement

Human resource management

Meanwhile, our HR training encompasses topics ranging from recruitment, to employee relations, to talent management. These aim to bolster your HR teams with current best practices, improving their ability to support and develop your workforce.

  • Behavioral Event Interviewing
  • Job Evaluation: Creating an Efficient Pay Structure
  • Competency-Based Performance Management
  • Job Analysis: Creating a Competency-Based Job Description
  • Team Building – Developing High-Performance Teams
  • Training Needs Analysis: Addressing Performance Gaps Through Training

Personal and professional effectiveness

These programs aim to enhance skills that are useful in both professional and personal contexts. They arm employees with not only technical proficiency, but also values and behaviors that let them thrive in modern workplaces.

  • Anger Management – Understanding Anger
  • Business Writing That Works
  • Cultural Sensitivity Training: The Key to Convergence
  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Public Speaking – Speaking Under Pressure and Maintaining Balance
  • Work Attitude and Values Enhancement Program (WAVE)
  • Managing Corporate Relationships

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a key leadership skill that allows one to understand and manage their own emotions and those of others.

Training employees in this aspect, meanwhile, allows them to form stronger interpersonal relationships, communicate better, and effectively resolve conflicts—aspects that enhance teamwork and foster a positive work environment.

To help organizations nurture an empathetic workplace, we incorporate Emovation’s signature emotional intelligence programs into our holistic training, some of which include:

  • The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
  • The Engaging Leader
  • The Resilient Leader
  • The Mindful Leader
  • Leading With Emotional Intelligence
  • The Science of Well-Being

Organization development

Organizational developments, such as changes to processes, leadership, or technology, can occur due to shifts in industry, market, and regulatory landscapes.

Such transformations can result in volatile periods, but our training programs can help your company and its employees navigate them. Here are some that we offer:

  • Organization Diagnosis
  • Organization Design
  • Change Management
  • Organization-Development Interventions
  • Organization-Development Fundamentals for HRs
  • Organization-Development Fundamentals for Leaders

Specialized training programs

We also offer employee training for more specific skills, organizational needs, or subject matters, including:

  • Editing and proofreading
  • Media training
  • Press-release writing
  • Diversity awareness
  • Sexual harassment

What makes our training programs holistic?

At this point, you may be wondering why you should choose our holistic programs over those offered by other providers. There are three critical attributes that differentiate our approach:

Tailored training programs

Customer success is our priority. So, unlike typical one-size-fits-all training solutions, we meticulously tailor our holistic programs to each client’s unique needs.

We take the time to understand your organization’s culture, goals, and challenges, then craft training plans that match its specific requirements.

Comprehensive assessments

We believe in the power of data-driven insights. To gauge the effectiveness of each program, our process includes thorough pre-training and post-training surveys.

This ensures that the knowledge and skills imparted to employees are retained and can be practically applied in the workplace.

Mock runs with clients

Finally, to guarantee alignment and effectiveness, we conduct a mock run of the training program with our clients before final implementation. We’ll walk you through the training outline first, then make any necessary adjustments based on your feedback.

This collaborative approach allows us to fine-tune the program’s content and delivery, ensuring it resonates with your teams and meets your objectives. It has helped UNAHCO achieve a 4.23/5 Gallup employee engagement rating as well.

Cultivate a well-rounded workforce with our holistic employee training programs

Holistic employee training isn’t just a professional development tool; it’s an investment in your organization’s most valuable asset—its people. By fostering a skilled and versatile workforce, you position your company for long-term success, even in volatile business environments.

At Profiles Asia Pacific, we’re committed to delivering such solutions and ensuring the overall growth of your employees. We help you go beyond developing skills; we help you nurture your people.

If you’re interested in embracing holistic training and watching your organization and workforce thrive, simply reach out!

About the Author: Irish Almocera