The importance of managerial fit and how to find it
Today’s organizations are increasingly focused on cultural fit. And for most organizations, managerial fit — or the concept of matching management and leadership styles to the team and the work culture — is equally important, as the skills and approach needed to meet a team’s demand for leadership or to complete a task can vary significantly. Often, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach that works best across the entire organization. Instead, you should rely on skills and [...]
5 Tips to improving workplace conflict resolution
Workplace conflict is unavoidable. Eventually, when you put people together, even in a virtual space, friction happens. Ensuring that your team can communicate and disagree in healthy ways is crucial to ensuring teams work well together. To some extent, a healthy amount of conflict is even good for the team and good for your organization. As long as it’s about work, it’s a good sign that your employees are engaged and passionate about what they [...]
How to use competency frameworks for business success
Competency frameworks effectively define the skills, behaviors, and soft skills an employee needs to succeed in a specific role and the organization. These frameworks are some tools your HR can use for people-driven performance management, hiring, and team building. But, with their focus on capabilities, they’re also one of the most important. Competency is the sum of skills, knowledge, abilities, attributes, experience, personality traits, and motivators. Once your organization maps the competencies a position needs, [...]
Business leadership and succession planning: How to foster leaders from within
Good leadership and succession planning are some of the most critical ingredients to any business. The people who drive, strategize, and manage your organization are the people responsible for its successes and failures. Yet, many organizations rely on finding business leadership externally. Finding and hiring good leaders is one of the most expensive and time-consuming processes undertaken by HR. In addition, hiring a leader who was successful in any role in another company doesn’t necessitate [...]
Managing virtual project teams
Companies across the world have gone through (or are considering) a permanent shift to remote work in response to the “new normal” that is a worldwide pandemic. However, remote working isn’t a new concept. You could argue that remote work first began 1.4 million years ago to the hunter-gatherer culture of Africa. The medieval period of England also saw people working from home as dressmakers, butchers, and watchmakers, to name a few. These days, remote [...]