How to Recognize Employee Accomplishments
This is a guest post from Linda Ginac, founder and CEO of TalentGuard, a global provider of award-winning career pathing and talent management software. Inventive and driven, she is known throughout the industry for disrupting HR technology and is the inventor of the first commercially available career pathing software solution designed to optimize employee engagement and retention. Many HR departments around the world face the same challenge: effectively managing a diverse workforce. Part of the [...]
How to Use Humor to Inspire Employees
Humor is an emotion that’s often left out and even avoided at work, but research increasingly shows that humor is a powerful, motivating, and inspirational thing. Utilizing and encouraging humor at work can inspire and entertain, build camaraderie, and drive team spirit, so that employees are happier and more productive. While it’s often something that cannot be forced, and something that must be used with respect, understanding how humor works to inspire employees will help [...]
2019 New Year’s Resolution For HR Managers
This is a guest post from Indorse. Indorse is a Skill Validation Platform designed for developers. As we wave goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019 with open arms, we will all, most probably, start thinking about our beloved New Year’s resolutions! That means setting personal goals like eating healthy, read a book per week, investing more time with family & friends, finally find Wally/Waldo, and so on. For most of professionals, that also means setting new [...]
How to Effectively Handle Employee Complaints
This is a guest post from Allison Hail. Allison has written articles for different sites on topics ranging from travel and lifestyle, to career and business, and has most recently collaborated with NZ businesses such as Keith Andrews. Even the smoothest-running workplaces will eventually be subject to occasional complaints from employees. Staff complaints are a warning sign to a range of problems: perceptions of favoritism, sexual harassment, or difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with a coworker, to name [...]
The art and science of delegation: How to delegate work well
This is a guest post from Juliana Marulanda, Founder of ScaleTime. Are your small business efforts going in circles? Being an entrepreneur isn’t an easy-breezy, walk-in-the-park kind of profession. One day, you are the CEO. The next day, you are the marketer, finance manager, salesperson or hiring officer, and the list goes on. To say that it’s an all-in-one job is totally an understatement. And whether you like it or not, it’s an everyday challenge to [...]