Remote Personality Testing Tips for Recruiters
Personality testing is a standardized element of recruitment for most organizations. With 80% of all Fortune 500 companies adopting assessments like Meyers Briggs personality tests, it’s also consistently used by some of the world’s most successful companies. It makes sense for many organizations to adopt personality testing and skills assessment as part of the recruitment process – both to narrow the pool of potentials and to reduce churn after hiring. At the same time, many [...]
Screening for Distributed Workforces: Traits to Look for in Distance Employees
Organizations are more and more often supporting flex and remote work, with employees who come into office a few days a week or not at all. Globally, some 50% of professionals work out of the office at least two and a half days a week. These shifts allow for greater flexibility, personal time, and reduces costs for the employee and the company, as well as greater opportunity for safety in light of a global pandemic. [...]
5 Most Valuable HR Assessments in 2021
HR assessments are designed to automate and optimize skills, competency, performance, and leadership reviews against existing frameworks and databases. HR is increasingly taking on roles including hiring, employee management, leadership training, employee development, talent retention, talent training, and organizational behavior. Providing human resources teams with assessments gives those teams the tools they need to perform those roles well, highlighting and choosing the best candidates, making decisions based on a wider pool of available data, and [...]
Why schools need career guidance and assessments
The initiative of having career assessment services in schools brings numerous benefits to students and should ideally be standardized in every country and educational establishment. Even though there is still a long way to go, schools and universities can already start introducing minor changes in order to facilitate smart career choices for their students.
4 Essential Personality Tests for Strategic Recruitment
It’s likely your company will already have screening measures in place when hiring new candidates. Screening for factors such as work history, educational background, drug use and criminal background are routine recruitment practice across many organizations. But what about personality? How does your company ensure the candidate your hiring is the best fit the role, your business and the wider company team? By using personality tests during recruitment, you can strategically ensure that you are [...]