The complete guide to recruitment strategies
In today’s competitive recruiting environment, attracting and hiring the right candidates has never been more important: the top talent that fits with your organization’s culture and will stay with your organization long term. Your recruiting strategies can make the difference between success and retention versus high employee turnover. Finding the right employees — the ones who fit with your team and are most likely to stay with your organization long term — has never been [...]
How businesses benefit from diverse candidate pools
Candidate pools are necessary for everything from succession planning to filling vacancies as people leave old roles. You need to know who’s moving into upcoming roles, you need a pool of candidates to choose from, and the more senior that position, the more that has to be planned. But, even for junior roles where candidate pools are almost entirely pulled from job applications, diverse candidate selection benefits the organization in more ways than one. For [...]
Build Brand Ambassadors: How your team can be your best marketing
It's no secret that word of mouth marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing you can come by. Satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences will always be viewed as the most genuine message consumers can receive. It's for this reason almost exclusively that influencer marketing has taken the world by storm. But what about your team? When your team is highly engaged, productive, and happy at work, they're more likely to seek [...]
4 Essential Personality Tests for Strategic Recruitment
It’s likely your company will already have screening measures in place when hiring new candidates. Screening for factors such as work history, educational background, drug use and criminal background are routine recruitment practice across many organizations. But what about personality? How does your company ensure the candidate your hiring is the best fit the role, your business and the wider company team? By using personality tests during recruitment, you can strategically ensure that you are [...]
Use these tips to maximize your digital recruitment
This is a guest post from Aria Dillinger. Aria graduated with a degree in psychology and has worked as a recruiter for a contact center in the Philippines for four years. She is constantly looking for ways to streamline processes and access larger talent pools, and enjoys writing about her experiences in her spare time. Company recruitment strategies tend to look for a mix of talent and technical skills. However, preferences for talent and skill [...]